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7 Most Expensive Cats in the World 2023

Dear luxury lover, let’s get the answer of what is the most expensive cat breed in the world. You know, pet rearing is a common hobby of the people around the globe. Having a pet like a cat is considered a common life of a common man but having an expensive cat in a home indicates many things of the family’s lifestyle.

Here is the most expensive cats in the world with the top 7 luxury cat breeds with prices.


Toyger Cat

Price: $5,000 USD

By nature this cat is 0% wild and 100% domestic. The Toyger has a long body along with rosettes, tabby patterns with circular head markings. The name is a combination of “toy” and “tiger” since it looks like a toy tiger! It is a true designer creation and the goal was to maintain as many tiger-like features as possible.

Toyger Cat

Persian Cat

Price: $4K – $5.5K USD

This breed with its long flowing hair along with sweet personality ranks number one in breed popularity. It is one of the oldest cat breeds, dating back to the 1600s. Persian cat is as expensive as it looks like. It is popular, loving and baby friendly.

Persians are quiet yet have melodious voices when they wish to talk. They often communicate with their expressive eyes. Once a Persian cat settles into her home they enjoy both indoor and outdoor time but maximum time they want to keep their feet on the floor as they are not a climber, nor a jumper.

Persian Cat

Maine Coon

Price: $3K – $5K USD

They are 3 feet from nose-to-tail in measurement. This plus-sized cat breed is a result of natural breeding and prone to winter. It has large tufted ears along with “snowshoe” paws that can navigate the snow. The Maine Coon coat has three separate layers and a tail that wraps around working like a blanket for warmth.

Maine Coon

Russian Blue

Price: $2K – $3K USD

The soft tempered Russian Blue likes to follow her favorite human around her. She also anxiously greets her humans at the door. However, Russian Blues like their privacy. They get easily responsive to sounds or quick movements. Generally, they get attached to one person in the household.

Russian Blue

Bengal Cat

Price: $10k – 25k USD

If one can breed an Asian Leopard Cat with an Abyssinian or Egyptian Mau they may get a Bengal Cat! This highly active, talkative and water prone breed takes time to be bred and this is the reason for its unavailability and high price.

Bengal Cat

Siberian Cat

Price: $4K – $5K USD

The Siberian’s adorable facial expression will bring a smile on any face. The various shades of golden-green eyes can easily dazzle the spectator’s eyes. Some Siberians have two different eye colors.

Siberian Cat


Price: $4K + $5K USD

Peterbald is really bald and it is expensive for its nature and behavior. It’s not looked like the common cats, it’s an exceptional cat breed.  This breed is totally hairless, having a coat of plush velvet, or one which feels like a man’s beard. Its most consistent feature is its variety of coats.
