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5 of the Most Deadliest Organisms in Your Backyard



Bees don’t really seem like a problem until Spring when they are all over the place. However, the World Health Organization estimates that bees are responsible for approximately 600,000 deaths per year. Additionally, the Center for Disease Control reports that there are over 16,000 homicides from bee attacks and over 40,000 deaths from suicide! While one bee certainly is not enough to harm or even kill a person, take in mind other factors that trigger these deaths.

Allergies are the number one factor to consider when thinking about these large numbers. Allergies affect 30% of adults and 40% of children. Also insect stings affect 5% of the population. In their case, all it takes is one bee sting to send them into anaphylactic shock. As for the rest of us, death can come just by stumbling into a beehive.


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