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7 Animals that Scientists want to de-extinct


Tasmanian Tiger

The Tasmanian Tiger is also known as Thylacine. It was driven to extinction by the humans and declared extinct in 1936. The European settlers that made their way into Australia during the 1800s saw the Tasmanian Tiger as a menace and took to bounty hunting to get rid of the pest. Eventually, the last Thylacine died in captivity like the Passenger Pigeon. Although the animal was no threat to human settlers, its physiology surprised the Europeans much like they were surprised to the extent of uproar by the Platypus. Its head was like the wolf, its hind was striped like the tiger’s and it had a pouch that faced backwards. The Thylacine was a marsupial and since 1866, scientists have a pup preserved in alcohol, DNA from which can be implanted as per planning into the Tasmanian Devil.

Tasmanian Tiger

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