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7 deadly fruits in the world

No doubt, fruits are beneficial for us they have a complete diet in itself. But some fruits can rapidly become deadly if you take a large amount of intake of it. Now I am going to tell the 7 most deadly fruits all over the world. That creates discomfort so we should lessen its intake or stop eating them.


Yew Berry tree

Throughout America, Europe and North Asia notice yew red blood berries. Yew tree looks harmless with its green leaves and its berries look yummy and delicious. These fruits itself are not deadly except its leaves and seeds. Because its seeds and leaves can be dangerous and harmful for humans. Normal symptoms of Yew berry tree are diarrhea, headache, stomach ache, dizziness, and muscular weakness can lead to severe problems in breathing, irregular heartbeat, and even death.

Yew Berry tree

The Yellow Star fruit

Have you heard about a yellow star fruit? They look pretty and good in taste. Star fruit has some benefits for healthy people like it finds low in calories, high fiber, and Vitamin C that contains essential elements for the body. But wretchedly, it has a dangerous side for kidney patients because it has a high quantity of oxalates that is not good for the kidney. Taking a high amount of star fruit can lead to kidney damage, seizures, and even death. So it is one of the deadly fruits.

The Yellow Star fruit


Jatropha is a flowering plant of Spurge family, “Euphorbiaceae” derived from Greek word means physician, it is universally known as a physic nut. Jatropha is one of the deadly fruits in the world. Its stems use for making baskets by Seri people in Mexico. Stems also roast for multiple processes. It is well known as vomit nut its intake can cause a burning feeling in the throat and noticed abdominal pain also. Most severe causes noticed like dehydration and cardiovascular collapse.



Lychee is a beautiful and sweet fruit that seems safe but, eat before ripe it has toxins that can be caused by extremely low blood sugar. For those persons who have already low blood sugar levels. These toxins can lead to several problems that cause fever, encephalopathy to death. May you memorize the mysterious disease in Indian kids every year? Researchers finally tracked down the reason for immature lychees recognizes as deadly fruits.



Ackee is another yummy fruit of Jamaica. Hence it is a national fruit that why they take it daily. Its improper intake is very hazardous. Immature fruit may cause vomiting that can lead to coma or even death. Because it has hypoglycemia which is venomous for the human body and it consists of deadly fruits in the world.


Raw cashews

Raw cashews have a compound that makes harmful poison ivy. It can cause serious skin rashes that can be toxic when intake heavy amount. You are speculating why have you have been eating cashews that labeled “raw” didn’t experience any trouble. Because all marketable cashews actually, cooked to remove shells.

Raw cashews


Elder blueberries that hang with bright red branches of trees use in jellies, jam, or tea. Although ripe berries are edible, and its unripe berries and other parts of the plant are extremely harmful which have toxic properties of diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea
